Never miss a lead.

An automated sales assistant that instantly replies to and follows up with your leads over text.

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The LeadAnswer dashboard interface.

Does this sound familiar?

You have more leads than you can respond to.

Lead follow-up is sporadic and inconsistent.

You may lose track of leads.

You may not know if your sales team is following up.

If so, you need LeadAnswer.

Response-time matters.


51% will go elsewhere if a business takes six or more hours to respond.


33% of consumers expect small businesses to respond within an hour to win their business.


30-50% of sales go to the business that responds first.

Never miss a
sales follow-up.

Create workflows that follow up every time a lead contacts you and automatically checks in with prospects who aren't responding. Lighten the load on your sales team and increase their responsiveness simultaneously.

LeadAnswer workflow system in use.
LeadAnswer webchat in use.

Get texts straight from your website.

Messages from your website will get sent directly to your dashboard and enrolled in an automated follow-up sequence.

Earn more reviews…automatically.

Businesses with more reviews get more free leads. LeadAnswer earns you more reviews from your customers with automated review follow-up once you’ve finished the job.

A view of the LeadAnswer dashboard.

Reply to individual customers, all from one place.

The dashboard lets you use one-to-one business texting, see all your leads, make and receive phone calls, and transfer leads to other salespeople — all from one place.

If there’s a sales opportunity, you’ll see it.

Follow up instantly. Sell more.

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We’re busy building.

We have a lot of features planned to make it even easier to grow your business.

iOS and Android App
Email Integration
Message Variables
Multiple Locations
Advanced Lead Routing
Automated Lead Qualification
CRM Integrations

Companies that are in our early access program will get to shape our product roadmap.

Thanks for your interest in early access. Someone from our team will reach out to you to set up a demo. Instantly.
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